Joaquin VFD Reports 5 Calls for Week of July 23-29

July 31, 2023 - Over the week of July 23rd through 29th the Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department had 5 calls. Here’s a summary of the week’s events.

Sunday at 8:27pm a page was received for someone with a broken arm at the Joaquin ISD football field. The JVFD medical team responded and put a splint on the patient’s arm before Allegiance EMS arrived to transport.

Later Sunday night, two calls were received within minutes of each other. The first was in regards to a person requesting EMS transportation to the ER due to a issue they were having, and the second was a person with pressure in their chest at the Joaquin Apartments. In both cases, the JVFD medical team and Allegiance EMS were dispatched.

Wednesday night at 7:57 the Joaquin VFD responded to a structure fire on County Road 3689. Upon arriving on scene first responders found two mobile homes set close to each other, one of which had burned almost completely to the ground, with the other catching fire on one end. The JVFD, with help from Center and Tenaha Fire Departments, were able to stop the fire in the second mobile home before it reached the other end, and put out what remained of the first mobile home. No one was in either house at the time of the fire.

Saturday at 11:11am a call came in for someone having trouble breathing on Highway 7 East. The JVFD med team responded as well as Allegiance EMS and the patient received the help they needed.

With that, this edition of the report will come to a close. The Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department hopes everyone has a great and safe week ahead.

Related article: Joaquin VFD Fights Dual House Fire; Other Departments Assist