October 17, 2022 - After 2 consecutive busy weeks, the Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department is glad to report a slight drop in call volume for the week of October 9th through 15th. Here’s a summary of the weeks events.
Starting off early on Sunday morning, the JVFD received a page from dispatch stating that there was “crap on fire” near a home on East Saddle Street. Those first on the scene were relieved to find that it was just a flaming pile of junk, and would be able to be put out with the use of a brush truck.
Next on Monday, the JVFD responded to a grass and woods fire on County Road 3173. Brush 1 and 2 were the first fire trucks on the scene, but it was clear by the size of the fire that more water would be needed, so Brush 3, and Tankers 1 and 2 were brought shortly thereafter. Within 90 minutes to 2 hours the fire was under control.
Late Tuesday evening the Joaquin VFD responded to another brush fire on County Road 3000. This fire was smaller than the one on Monday, but no less of a threat with its close proximity to a nearby home. The fire brought under control with one brush truck.
Around mid-day on Friday, the JVFD returned to the fire on County Road 3000 after it had caught back up over a few days. This time it required both Brush 1 and 2, and tanker for extra water. It took a couple of hours to completely put out the fire and remaining hot spots.
The Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department is hopeful, with the recent implementation of a county wide burn ban, that these brush fires will slow down. With that this report will come to a close. As always, have a great and safe week.