June Elder Abuse Prevention Awareness Month

Shelby County Judge Allison Harbison signed a proclamation declaring June as Elder Abuse Prevention Month on May 22. From left: Commissioner Roscoe McSwain, Department of Family Protective Services representative Tracey Belin, Judge Allison Harbison, Commissioner Jimmy Lout, Commissioner Stevie Smith, and Commissioner Tom Bellmyer.

June 14, 2024 - Last year, in Shelby County alone, Adult Protective Services (APS) In-Home Caseworkers investigated 119 intakes of which 81 cases of Abuse, Neglect, and/or Exploitation were confirmed against elderly or those with disabilities.

For the state of Texas, APS had 120,069 reports; 83,737 completed investigations; and 49,077 validated investigations for FY 2023. With the growing Texas population which includes adults who are 65 or older, reports of abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation continue to rise.

These numbers do not include all victims as elder abuse is grossly underreported because the elderly who are being abused find it very difficult to tell anyone and are usually ashamed and sometimes afraid. APS works tirelessly to help eliminate elder abuse and neglect year-round, but June is dedicated to increasing awareness about how we can prevent it from happening in our community. Elder abuse is everyone’s business. We can all help protect the growing elder populations from abuse and neglect, including self-neglect.

To raise awareness during the month of June, Tracey Belin, a FBCE Community Engagement Specialist, has visited with businesses, groups, organizations talking about Elder Abuse Awareness. The campaign included Purple Sundays as days for churches or individuals to dedicate to pray for those who have been abused, neglected, or exploited. June 15th - World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was a day to wear purple and when someone asked you about your outfit, start a conversation about elder abuse because it is rarely discussed.

Tracey BelinTracey Belin shared, “The main concept of June being Elder Abuse Prevention month is to get the word out about Elder abuse, how to report, what to do if you are being abused, and the different services that Adult Protective Services offer the Elderly and Disabled. We want to explain to people how you are eligible being 65 years or older or a person with disabilities with a significant impairment. We also want to educate people on the signs to look for or make them aware of preventative measures.” Belin thrives at partnering with the community, helping APS clients, and working closely with staff/management to ensure all needed resources are available in the Region 5 area.

Elder abuse is everyone’s business. We can all help protect the growing elder populations from abuse and neglect, including self-neglect.

Learn how to recognize adult abuse at Everyonesbusiness.org and how to report adult abuse. By law, Texas requires anyone who suspects adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation to report it to the Texas Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400 or online at TxAbuseHotline.org. Callers can remain anonymous.

Visit Awareness Resources online.

Shelby County 2024 Proclamation Declaring
June as Elder Abuse Prevention Awareness Month

WHEREAS, people who are elderly or have disabilities have contributed to the general welfare of Shelby County by helping to preserve customs, convictions, and traditions of many people from diverse backgrounds; and

WHEREAS, these residents are vital and integral members of our society and their wisdom and experience have enriched our lives; and

WHEREAS, Abuse of the elderly and people with disabilities in domestic and institutional settings is a wide-spread problem, affecting hundreds of thousands of people across the country; and

WHEREAS, Texas APS In-Home Caseworkers in Shelby County have investigated 119 intakes of which 81 cases of Abuse, Neglect and/or Exploitation were confirmed against our elderly Texans or those with disabilities in 2023;

WHEREAS, Elder abuse is grossly underreported because the elderly who are being abused find it very difficult to tell anyone and are usually ashamed and sometimes afraid; and

WHEREAS, Elder abuse happens to men and women of all income levels, all cultural and ethnic groups, whether they are in good health or incapacitated in some way, in poor neighborhoods and in suburbia; and

WHEREAS, many of the cases investigated by Adult Protective Services in Texas involve self-neglect and it is our duty as citizens to reach out to people in need;

NOW, THEREFORE, I Allison Harbison and the Commissioners Court do hereby proclaim the month of June 2024 to be Eider Abuse Prevention Month in Shelby County and urge all citizens to work together to help reduce abuse and neglect of people who are elderly or have disabilities.

Dated this 22nd day of May, 2024