Letter from Sheriff Kevin Windham

June 27, 2023 - During my time in office, I have always strived to be transparent with the citizens of Shelby County. I truly feel that being honest and open keeps everyone accountable and it allows for the line of communication to stay open. The time has come for me, as your Sheriff, to address a situation. I ask for your understanding and prayers during this time.

As of June 21, 2023, I have been listed as a candidate for a double lung transplant. Many of you know that over the last year, I have been experiencing some serious health issues. At this time, my team of doctors feels that moving forward with the transplant will allow me to achieve a greater quality of life. While this is a life changing surgery, I have faith in God, and I know that this will place me on the road to recovery.

With my health being the way it is, I am not able to be in the office on a daily basis. However, I am still very active in the daily operations of the office and the jail. Please know that I have full confidence in the ability of my administration as well as the entire staff at the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office.

I would like to thank each of you who have supported me during this time. Please remember my family in your prayers as we prepare to begin this new journey. I look forward to recovering and being back in the office very soon.

Sheriff Kevin W. Windham