Memorial Day Program Recognizes Gold Star Family, Remembers 231 Veterans

May 27, 2024 (Photo Album) - VFW Post 8904 hosted a Memorial Day Program at the Historic 1885 Courthouse on Monday, May 27, 2024, in honor of those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice while doing so.

Mary Roberts, VFW Post 8904 Emcee, welcomed everyone to the event and introduced David Mathis, First Baptist Church Center Minister of Worship and Education, to give the invocation.

The posting of the ceremonial rifle was then performed by VFW Members Gene Hutto and Robert Hall.

“The battle cross is a visible reminder of the fallen we honor here and across this country today. The helmet and dog tags signify those who died in the service of our country, their names must never be forgotten. The inverted rifle with bayonet signals a time for prayer and a tribute to our departed and missing comrades. The combat boots represent the final march of those who pay the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy today,” said Roberts. 

Everyone present then recited the National Anthem, as led by Center Mayor Pro-Tem Leigh Porterfield, and this was then followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

“This Memorial Day 2024 we come together to appreciate the freedoms that we enjoy as we honor the sacrifices that paid for those freedoms,” said Roberts.

Those in the audience with loved ones currently serving our country were invited to stand and three did so in response. Anyone with family members currently serving were then presented with a blue star banner.

Veterans who were in the audience were also invited to stand and be recognized, and many did.

The First Baptist Church Trio then performed “In Flanders Fields.”

Roberts then read aloud a letter from United States Senator John Cornyn: “Dear fellow Texans, each year on Memorial Day, we honor the brave men and women in our military who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation. Our armed forces are sent to some of the most dangerous and distant parts of the world to preserve, protect, and defend our country. in values we hold dear.

“Today we reflect on the memories of soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and post guardsmen who laid down their lives fighting for our liberties. Their selfless service and unwavering patriotism are a sovereign reminder that freedom is never free. As a son of a career Air Force officer, I know the decision to serve is not made by just one person, but by an entire family. While we honor the sacrifices made on the battlefield today, we must not forget the ones made here at home as well.

“This is a time to pay tribute to our fallen soldiers and their families who feel the pain of their loss today and every day. They're absences have left a hole that will never be filled. And I ask you to join me in thanking the loved ones of those heroes who have borne the heaviest burden of them all. On days like today, it is important we also reflect on how blessed we all are to call ourselves Americans. We are a strong, prosperous, and beautiful country, and we enjoy countless freedoms thanks to the valor and honor of those who bravely answered the call of duty on our behalf.

“I am forever grateful for their courage and loyalty to our nation. May God bless our fallen service members and their families, our veterans, current troops both home and overseas, and the next generations of soldiers, and may He continue to bless the United States of America.”

Roberts then shared that dating back to World War I, families who would hang what were called blue star banners in their windows, to signify they proudly have a family member on active duty. In the event that their loved one died during their service; the blue star would be replaced with a gold star.

“For those of you that are unfamiliar with military traits and traditions, a gold star family is a term we use to describe families who have lost a loved one who was serving in the military and died as a result of their active duty,” said Roberts. “The term comes from the service flag which was first used during World War I.”

A Gold Star family was then honored and Roberts welcomed James Lowe Jr. and his wife Cindy.

“The Lowe family is here to remember their son, U.S. Army Chief Foreign Warrant Officer II, Lucas Morris Lowe, who was killed on December 28, 2016, when the AH-64 Apache helicopter that he was piloting went down in Galveston Bay during a training flight with the Army National Guard,” said Roberts. “Lucas served 14 years of active duty and had previous deployments to Afghanistan for 11 months and to Iraq for 14 months. He was the father of three, with twins on the way at the time of his death. It's our honor that we present the Lowe family with this gold star banner in memory of their son, Chief Warrant Officer II, Lucas Morris Lowe. His service and sacrifice will never be forgotten by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. God bless.”

Roberts shared, the Disabled Veterans (DAV) is an organization created in 1920 by World War I veterans for disabled military veterans of the United States Armed Forces, that helps them and their families through various means. It is issued by a family charter by Congress in 1932, and it currently has over one million members. 

The local DAV is located in Nacogdoches and serves a large area of East Texas and as with all service organizations, they are here to serve our veterans. One group they support when they can is first responders.

A special presentation from the DAV was then made with VFW member Richard Lundie filling in for the Nacogdoches representative. Receiving the donation from the DAV was John Clevenger, who is a veteran and detective with the Center Police Department and he received a ballistic vest.

Dr. Jerry Lynn McSwain, Felicia Thompson, Michele Clark and her daughter Rena then presented quilts of honor to Brad Taylor, Walter Thomas Jr., and Kevin Gratehouse.

As VFW Post 8904 and Auxiliary read names on the roll call of honor of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, flowers were placed on the memorial wreath until it was filled.

Once the roll call was complete, and the wreath decorated, Leigh Porterfield then sang “Last Full Measure of Devotion.”

Dylan Roberts then sang “God Bless America,” which was followed by a moment of silence.

All in attendance then adjourned outside the courthouse for the playing of Taps and raising of the flags for the completion of the program.

Mexican - American War
Pvt. William Graves
Pvt. Prince B. Hawes
Pvt. Ezekiel T. Hewett
Pvt. Oliver Latharp
Pvt. Richard Manning
Pvt. Gabriel H. Moore
Pvt. Abner Nail
Pvt. John R. Robbins
Cpl. Jacob Sessum
Pvt. Alfred Sisk
Pvt. Robert Smith
Pvt. Ephraim Story
Pvt. Peter Tidwell
Pvt. Jackson West

American Civil War
Pvt. William T. Baker, Sr.
Frank Biggar
Richard S. Biggar
James T. Booth
D.C. Brandon
James M. Choate
Stephen C. Christian
Joseph Duncan
W.J. Freeland
Oscar F. Hall
James Harkness
Cpl. John W.I. Hayes
James T. Hopkins
Pvt. Andrew F. Hughes
Sam H. Latham
Stephen N. Latham
Pvt. Joseph H. McCary
David M. Mouser
Benjamin F. Newman
Pvt. Jesse Oates
Stephen N. Power
Benjamin N. Schooler
James M. Solomon
G.H. Stevens 

Spanish/Philippine Insurrection-American War
Pvt. Elijah Webb

World War I
Seaman Joe L. Adams
Pvt. Preston Archer
1 Lt. Norfleet Armstrong
Pvt. Clyde A. Chance
Pvt. Jimmie E. Chandler
PFC Freddie E. Choate
Pvt. Norman G. Crocker
GM3C Devoe Ferguson
Pvt. Jodie M. Ferguson
Pvt. James E. Fielder
Pvt. Louis Franklin
Cpl. Thomas H. Franks
Pvt. Bert Gordon
Pvt. Ira F. Hoffman
Pvt. Irvin F. Hunter
Seaman Oscar Latimer
PFC Albert W. Lewis
FSgt. Fred R. Lindsey
Pvt. Benice N. Mancil
Pvt. Ferman H. McCann
1 Lt. Clyde T. Morrison
Pvt. John B. Norman
PFC Stephen H. Oates
Pvt. Calvin K. Ramey
Pvt. Alexander D. Ramsey
Pvt. Robert L. Ramsey
Pvt. John Sharp
Sgt. Ernest H. Shipp
Pvt. John Stanton
Pvt. Joe Taylor
Pvt. Wilburn Taylor
Pvt. John W. Temple
Pvt. Nathaniel H. Tims
Pvt. Boss Turner
Pvt. Bernice Tyson
Pvt. Norman G. Vaught
PFC Noah H. Warr
Seaman Barney Webb
Pvt. John N. Yeary
Pvt. George M. Yeats

World War II
PFC John C.B. Alford
PFC Ernest W. Allen
Major Ralph Amoss
Pvt. John C. Anderson
Sgt. Nolan Anderson
Sgt. William L. Anding
PFC Lloyd Andrews
Seaman Cecil A. Armstreet
Sgt. Bruce C. Baker, Jr.
Pvt. Marvin Beard
PFC James L. Beckham
SSgt. Oscar L. Belser
Pvt. Ray W. Bolton
Pvt. Joseph B. Brannon
Sgt. Richard D. Bray
Cpl. Urdong Brinson
Tech 5 Bryan N. Brittain
PFC Thomas B. Brittain, Jr.
PFC Lee O. Brunson
SSgt. Edmond T. Burgess, Jr.
2 Lt. John B. Byrn
SSgt. E. C. Campbell
Cpl. Jack E. Carter
Pvt. Huston Cartwright
PFC Rayford H. Ceal
Pvt. Raymond H. Chance
Sgt. Phillip H. Childs
Pvt. James A. Cleveland
PFC Royce C. Collum
PFC Bobbie B. Compton
Pvt. Joseph S. Connell
2 Lt. Marvin K. Crausby
TSgt. Delton Cravey
SSgt. Richard E. Crawford
Pvt. Troy Crawford
Cpl. Bobby A. Crump
PFC Barron B. Davis
PFC Early E. Davis
2 Lt. Robert E. Daw, Jr.
Wiper Lewis V. Dockens
Captain Reed H. Dominy
MSgt. Roy V. Duncan
SSgt. Austin E. Dunaway
Sgt. William P. Durham
Cpl. Arlie L. Eddins
Cpl. O.J. Edwards
Robert Henry Essery
Louis Fishman
SSgt. Charles R. Frame
SSgt. Everett A. Gaines
Pvt. Tom Gant
Pvt. Randle B. Golden
TSgt. E. C. Gunnels
Oiler Hubert B. Haley
1 Lt. Hulen M. Hardage
Pvt. Pershing H. Harvey
Ensign Walter B. Henry
Pvt. Ralph D. Herndon
PFC Dudley D. Holt
PFC Harold W. Hooper
PFC William S. Hopkins
PFC Preston O. Huckabay
SSgt. Roy D. Hughes
Pvt. Arther T. Hutcherson
SSgt. Walter B. Hutto
PFC LeRoy Johnson
2 Lt. Curtis Jolley
Sgt. Carl H. Jones
PFC Johnnie L. Jones
Pvt. James R. Kirkland
Tech 4 Willie D. Lathon
Cpl. Johnnie M. Lee
Pvt. Howard L. Lovell
Pvt. Clarence M. Mahan
PFC Ernest E. Mahan
PFC Charlie D. Majors
PFC Bryan McCallum, Jr.
PFC James A. McDaniel
SSgt. John R. Miller
Sgt. John W. Minter
Tech 4 Roy H. Mitchell
PFC Thomas L. Mitchell
Woodrow W. Moro
PFC Jimmie H. Mott
Pvt. Hoya B. Murphy
Pvt. L.C. Netherly
2 Lt. Kenneth N. Nicholson
PFC Robert L. Norris
PFC Joe L. Odom
Avn. Cadet Steve H. Oates
Pvt. Allie J. Oliver
SSgt. James E. Pate
Cpl. Pershing H. Pate
Pvt. Jack T. Powell
Pvt. Arlen R. Rhame
SSgt. Ben R. Rhodes
Pvt. Postell Richard
Lt. (JG) Darwin A. Risinger
Pvt. George O. Rivers, Jr.
2 Lt. John C. Scott
2 Lt. Benjamin M. Simon
PFC Hugh J. Smith
Pvt. Choron Smothermon
PFC Rennie C. Snider, Jr.
PFC Luther T. Spurlock
S1C Johnie F. Stack
Captain Robert Swanzy
PFC James P. Tindol
1 Lt. William R. Todd
Cpl. Richard M. Wallace
Sgt. Vernon B. Walters
Cpl. Sidney E. Watson
PFC Arvin D. Webb
GSgt. Robert H. Wharton
Pvt. E. C. White
PFC Marion Bedford Whiteside, Jr.
PFC Robert Wilburn
SK3C Claude M. Wilkerson
SSgt. Clifton Williams
RM1C Eligie P. Williams
SSgt. Elmer E. Williams
SK3C Ray D. Williams
Pvt. Wrayful Willis
Sgt. Julius R. Windham
PFC Melvin T. Windham
SSgt. Silvanus Winfrey, Jr.
2 Lt. Harry H. Womack
PFC Albert Youngblood

Korean War
PFC Floyd Harris
TSgt. Clifford Hughes
SFC Johnnie V. Mena
PFC Bobbie F. Mock
CT3C Billy C. Stephenson
PFC Leonard Williams
Pvt. Willie J. Wilson
Willie E. Windham 

Vietnam War
PFC Ted W. Adams
Spec 4 William L. Andrews
PFC Jimmy D. Barnett
PFC Mac C. Buckley
PFC Larry S. Byford
S1C Ray A. Chatelain, Jr.
William H. Eaden
Sgt. Jerry L. Hughes
Major Taylor D. Johnson
Cpl. John B. Lightfoot
Spec 4 Samuel R. Lynch
PFC Calvin R. Patrick
Spec 4 John W. Stilley

War on Terrorism
Spec. Larry E. Polley, Jr.
SSgt. Kevin C. Roberts
Spec Cory J. Bertrand