Notice to Appear in Court Scam Alert

September 4, 2015 - Larry Hume emailed Shelby County Today concerning an email he received with 'Notice to appear in Court #000540624' in the subject field and a file attached.

Hume researched the email and found it to be a scam with a computer virus attached. The attachment was a zip file which is a compressed file that is used to make large files and/or collections of files more manageable to the user. Always use caution with zip files because you cannot see what type of file is attached whether it is a photo or an executable file which automatically runs when the zip file is open.

Advise given by Hume - courts do not operate by email so my advice is to not open the file, delete it immediately and ignore.

Email message below:

You have to appear in the Court on the September 04. You are kindly asked to prepare and bring the documents relating to the case to Court on the specified date.

Note: The case may be heard by the judge in your absence if you do not come.

You can find the Court Notice is in the attachment.

Isaac Weaver,
Clerk of Court.