"Oil and More" By Doug Fincher

February 7, 2017 - “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so….” Psalms 107:2

While on recent vacation to the West Coast, Pam and I took the “Alton, Utah” exit searching for a much-needed quart of motor oil.  Nine miles later we entered the village of about 40 houses, found a beautiful Mormon Church, but not a store anywhere.  We knocked on several doors but couldn’t find a soul home….anywhere.  It was like a ghost town.

But I finally got a response. A young mother with two young children came to the door and got me a quart of motor oil from their garage. Refusing to take money for it, she asked me to wait as she went back into her house. She later reappeared with a religious tract on which she had written: “Have a safe trip, Love, The Heatons”.

As we topped the hill on our way out, I began comparing what the lady did with what so many church members would have done.  

While most Christians would’ve given the quart of oil, I wonder how many would have also shared their faith.  The needy might not expect us to give them anything more than a quart of oil.

But God does.