Patriot Day Remembrance Ceremony Hosted by VFW Post 8904

September 11, 2015 - Patriot Day was recognized and those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 were remembered during a ceremony held on the Center square on Friday, September 11, 2015. VFW Post 8904 hosted the event which included several representatives of law enforcement and other emergency personnel.

Citizens of Shelby County were also in attendance for the event which reflected on the terrorist attack on the United States and the over 3,000 lives lost in the attack.

Aubie McSwain, Pastor provided the opening prayer for the event and Larry Hume, Quartermaster, led the ceremony.

"On this day in 2001, when the first calls for help reached squad cars, ambulances and ladder companies there was no hesitation. First responders rushed to the scene, they stormed up the stairs and into the flames. Their legacy lives on in those they saved and in the memories we keep. Most of all it lives on in the spirit they embodied, compassion, resilience and unity. Many of those we lost set aside their own well-being in the hope that they could save someone that they never even knew," stated Hume.

Introduced by Hume, and speaking on behalf of first responders in Shelby County were Keith Byndom, Center Fire Chief; Jim Albers, Center Police Chief; Willis Blackwell, Shelby County Sheriff; and Jessie Griffith, ACE EMS Manager. Each reflected on the tragedy of September 11, 2001 and the effect it had and has continued to have for all Americans.

Chief Albers was given the honor of placing the memorial wreath on the Shelby County Veterans Memorial, after which Hume reminded everyone to remember Mike Wood who formerly played the bagpipes at VFW events and who has been battling health problems. The Pledge of Allegiance was then recited, followed by a moment of silence and remembrance of September 11, 2001 and the playing of Taps.