Piney Woods Photographic Society Announces Shadows, Silhouettes Winners

June 21, 2024 - The PWPS held their regular monthly meeting this past Saturday. There was a workshop given by Billie Jones on Abstract Photography, Tips and Techniques. The June Challenge was "Shadows/Silhouettes" where club members submitted up to 3 photos they took of either shadow or silhouettes for "Favorite" votes and discussions. 

The next meeting will be held the third Saturday in July, visitors are always welcome to attend.

1st Place Favorite (Tie): "Waiting For Papaw" by Charley Cantrell

1st Place Favorite (Tie): "Sunset On The Lake" by Bobbie Jean Wood

2nd Place Favorite: "Silhouette Sunrise" by Summer Koltonski

3rd Place Favorite (Tie): "Birthday Shadows" by Julie Cantrell-Green

3rd Place Favorite (Tie): "Across the Bridge" by Billie Haggard Jones