Public Utility Commission Creates Office of Public Engagement

Public Utility Commission of Texas

Commissioner Jackson to Lead Agency Energy Efficiency Initiatives

August 29, 2022 – The Public Utility Commission of Texas today announced the creation of the Office of Public Engagement. Once fully established, the new office will serve as a resource for Texans who wish to participate in electricity, water, and telecommunications issues before the PUC.  The office will provide a single point of contact for consumers, stakeholders, legislators, and other affected parties to make their voices heard at the PUC.

“We are constantly exploring ways we can improve and enhance assisting consumers,” said Chairman Peter Lake. “We’re very excited to build a team dedicated to bringing together all the parties and all the resources necessary to resolve what are often complex issues in a way that emphasizes collaboration among everyone involved and ultimately benefits customers and rate payers.”

PUC Government Relations Director Mike Hoke will transition to Director of the Office of Public Engagement. Hoke has deep experience working with legislators and stakeholders to resolve constituent issues relating to industries under PUC’s regulatory authority. The office plans to hire another three staff members to fill out the team.

Energy Efficiency

It was also announced today that Commissioner Kathleen Jackson will lead the PUC’s energy efficiency responsibilities and efforts. Commissioner Jackson was appointed by Governor Gregg Abbott and sworn in earlier this month.

Commissioner Jackson led water conservation efforts during her service on the Texas Water Development Board. She will use her expertise in resource conservation and efficiency to evaluate energy efficiency policies and procedures at the PUC, and where necessary, make recommendations on actions the PUC should consider to improve energy efficiency in Texas.

“Energy efficiency is critical to the future of grid resiliency in our fast-growing state,” said Commissioner Kathleen Jackson. “I look forward to visiting with Texans about their thoughts and recommendations to strengthen energy efficiency and my priorities will be laser-focused on ensuring grid reliability and cost-savings for all Texans through energy efficiency.”