SCCAC Raises Child Abuse Awareness with Butterfly Release

April 13, 2023 (Photo Album) - To raise awareness of child abuse for April’s Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Shelby County Children’s Advocacy Center with the sponsorship of Farmers State Bank and the help of the community released 130 butterlies at the annual Butterfly Release on the downtown square in Center on Thursday, April 13, 2023.

The events theme, “Stand together in the fight against child abuse,” was highlighted by Shelby County Judge Allison Harbison in her welcome to everyone to the Historic Courthouse square. “I would like to recognize Shelby County Children’s Advocacy Center by thanking Director Denise Merriman and her wonderful staff, for all of their hard work supporting our children and their families who have been in crisis. It is our hope that one day their agency will be obsolete and there is no more abuse or neglect of our most precious natural resources - our children. So welcome to this wonderful life affirming event in honor of April being National Child Abuse Prevention Month.”

Judge Harbison also gave special appreciation to law enforcement in the county who work along side the Advocacy Center. Those mentioned included the Sheriff’s Department, Center Police Department, and the District Attorney Office.

City of Center Mayor David Chadwick also addressed everyone, sharing the work being done helps those impacted by abuse and lets them know they are not alone. “These professionals jointly investigate and prosecute child abuse cases while supporting children and their families with services and healing through our Children’s Advocacy Center.”

Chadwick shared that events like the butterfly release help create awareness around the complex problem of child abuse and change the conversation to keep all children in Shelby County safe from abuse. He then shared the Indian Legend of the butterfly. The butterfly is symbolic of the gesture that we try to instill in a child to tell someone what their problems are. According to the legend, by making a wish and giving the butterfly its freedom, the wish will be taken to the heavens to be granted.

Everyone then opened envelopes with the dormant, sleepy butterflies inside and released them.
