July 26, 2024 - Notice is hereby given that a Special meeting of the Governing body of the Shelby County Commissioners’ Court will be held on the 31st day of July, 2024 at 9:30am in the Courtroom of the Shelby County Courthouse at 200 San Augustine Street, Center, Shelby County, Texas to deliberate and consider action on the following items:
1. Approve and pay weekly expenses.
2. Public comments on Agenda item.
3. Approve payroll.
4. Discuss and possible approve the request from Paxton Water Supply Corp for Shelby County to sponsor a 2025/2026 Community Development Block Grant application through the Texas Department of Agriculture.
5. Discuss and possibly approve purchase of Walkie Talkies for 5 Constables and 1 Deputy Constable. The purchase would come from each constable’s budget.
6. Discuss and possibly approve a contract with Vista Solutions to digitize voter registration records.
7. Chief Deputy Chad Hooper to address the Court regarding new vehicles for the Sheriff’s department.
8. Discuss and possibly request bids on a gas generator for the County Courthouse to be purchased with ARPA funds.
9. Adjourn.