Shelby County Jail Receives Certificate of Compliance

February 7, 2017 - The Texas Commission on Jail Standards recently acknowledged the excellent work of the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office with a Certificate of Compliance for the Shelby County Jail. The most recent inspection of the facility demonstrated that the jail is in compliance with Texas Minimum Jail Standards.

The Certificate of Compliance demonstrates outstanding leadership and the diligent work of the jail staff in complying with minimum jail standards. In addition, the achievement is a direct result of the office’s commitment to excellence and is an example of dedication and professionalism in maintaining a safe, secure, and sanitary facility.

Providing the essential budgetary support for jail operations is also imperative to achieving compliance. The Shelby County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the Shelby County Commissioner’s Court for their vital support of jail operations.

Submitted by Leah Chase,