April 28, 2017 - "You are a credit to your school, your town, and to music education in the state of Texas. It was a thrill to hear you, and this was a musical treat." This was one of many outstanding comments that the Shelbyville Dragon Symphonic Band received from the judges at Region 21 UIL Concert and Sightreading Contest held at Troup High School.
The band earned first division ratings from all 3 judges on stage, and from all 3 judges in sightreading. Because the band earned first division ratings from all the judges at UIL events this year, they earned a UIL Sweepstakes award. The award is given when a band earned first division rating in marching, concert, and sightreading. The dragon band was one of only 2 bands in class 2A to earn first divison ratings from all the judges at the three contests. This also marks the 8th consecutive year that the Dragon Band has earned the Sweepstakes award. The band is directed by Shaka Hawkins, and assistant director is Christy Unthank.