February 8, 2015 - Shelbyville Dragon Powerlifting team competed among 53 lifters in Diboll at an invitational meet on February 5, 2015. The Dragon Powerlifters coached by Michael Bill Taylor placed as follows:
Christian Schilder placed 2nd with a total score of 590 in the 114 weight class. Schilder's points were 220 squat, 115 bench press, and 255 dead lift.
Wesley Berry placed 2nd with a total score of 665 in the 132 weight class. Berry squated 280, bench pressed 135, and dead lifted 250.
Andrew Lindsey placed 2nd with a total score of 1,035 in Super Heavyweight (SHW) class. Lindsey squated 400, bench pressed 205, and dead lifted 430.
Corey Bearden placed 3rd with a total score of 915 in 148 weight class. Bearden squatted 360, bench pressed 135, and dead lifted 420.
Jacob Jackson placed 3rd with a total score of 1,010 in 181 weight class. Jackson squatted 365, bench pressed 255, and dead lifted 390.
Logan Jefferson placed 3rd with a total score of 910 in the 198 weight class. Jefferson squated 330, bench pressed 205, and dead lifted 375.
SyDarius Evans placed 3rd with a total score of 700 in the 220 weight class. Evans squated 260, bench pressed 170, and dead lifted 270.
Kawon McCowin placed 3rd with a total score of 950 in the 242 weight class. McCowin squated 380, bench pressed 205, and dead lifted 365.
Octavian Burrell place 4th with a total score of 575 in the 198 weight class. Burrell squated 135, bench pressed 305, and dead lifted 135.
Trenton Roland placed 5th with a total score of 720 in the 148 weight class. Roland squated 280, bench pressed 135, and dead lifted 305.
David Amburn placed 5th with a total score of 870 in the 181 weight class. Amburn squated 330, bench pressed 175, and dead lifted 365.
To see the complete invitational results, visit http://thspa.us/meetsummary.aspx?passedMeetID=2136