September 19, 2023 - Three weeks ago today, our agency faced a tragedy that no one can ever prepare for. The death of Deputy Sheriff Matthew Pierson was a loss that completely broke our hearts. Deputy Pierson was 25 years old at the time of his death, and had been with our agency only five days. While our time with him was short, we are so grateful for the ability to know him. He had the makings of an outstanding officer. The entire staff at the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office will forever remember our time with him, and always hold him in our hearts.
During our time of grieving, our agency was covered in prayers, condolences and support. Law enforcement agencies from across the nation reached out to us with words of comfort, beautiful flowers, meals and phone calls. While nothing will ever take the place of Deputy Pierson, we found comfort in the support of those who extended grace to us during this time.
Panola County Sheriff’s Office assisted our county for two days. Sheriff Cutter and his staff sent a team of patrol officers and dispatchers to Shelby County which allowed our staff time off to grieve. Nacogdoches Dispatch helped cover rotating shifts during this time, allowing Panola County dispatchers time to rest. Both of these agencies filled a gap for us in our time of mourning. Thank you will never be enough.
Angelina County Sheriff Tom Selman and Patrol Deputy Joe Burton assisted us in securing Harmony Hill Baptist Church as the venue for the funeral, among assisting us in so many other areas. We appreciate your kindness.
Nacogdoches County Sheriff Jason Bridges and Patrol Captain Roy Mobley provided the honor guard for the funeral and graveside. The assistance provided to us during this time was crucial. Thank you.
Etoile Volunteer Fire Department and Public Information Officer Jan Amen, along with the Etoile community, provided a wonderful meal to the family and our agency after the service. Their kindness and hospitality was more than we could have asked for.
Lufkin Police Department provided drone footage of the service. This is a keepsake we will always cherish. Thank you.
Gipson Funeral Home provided exceptional service to the family of Deputy Pierson as well as our agency. While our officers stood watch over Deputy Pierson for five days, Gipson accommodated our every need. Their doors remained opened during this time providing our officers the opportunity to honor Deputy Pierson with a soft watch. Thank you for the respect and dignity shown. It was truly first class.
Shelby County Game Wardens Sam Anderson and Austin Cryer, Center Police Department, Shelby County DPS, and Shelby County Constables, thank you for your assistance during this time.
From the hundreds of officers that came to the services; to the counties that assisted in helping us move Deputy Pierson, and everyone in between - we thank you.
Thank you for your prayers and your support. Please remember our agency and the family of Deputy Pierson in the days to come.
Sheriff Kevin W. Windham