Timpson Chamber Sets Up a Small Business Supplemental Fund

April 20, 2020 - The Timpson Area Chamber of Commerce has established a small business supplemental fund to help our local economy by supporting our business members.

The Timpson Area Chamber of Commerce is accepting applications for Help Small Businesses, Timpson Texas. (See attached application) The Timpson Chamber of Commerce has recognized the economic destruction threatening the survival of our small businesses and basically our town because of Covid-19. TACC has set aside $10,000 and will take applications from area small businesses to fund approved applications for $500 and $250 until the funding is depleted. These funds will be for local businesses to address their immediate needs, avoid closures, retain employees and support for recovery. These funds are not for new start-ups.

Deadline to have applications in for consideration is May 11, 2020. Applications can be requested and/or be emailed to paul@smithsawmillservice.com or mailed to Timpson Area Chamber of Commerce, Box 989, Timpson, Texas 75975. Paul Smith can arrange to deliver and pick up by calling 936-554-4557.