Timpson City Council Regular Meeting Agenda

November 13, 2019 - Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the governing body of the above named City will be held on the 19th day of November, 2019 at 5:30 pm at the City Hall, 456 Jacob Street, Timpson, Texas, at which time the following subjects will be considered, to-wit:  

1. Call to Order:

2. Invocation:

3. Pledge: United States Pledge, Texas Pledge 

4. Chamber of Commerce:  

5. Council Items:  Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed 10 minutes will be devoted to these reports.

Presentations & Recognition:

6. Citizens Input: This time is provided for members of the public to address the City Council on items that appear within the Consent and Action Items or a matter not listed on the agenda.  Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. A Citizens Input Form may be filled out and filed with the City Secretary prior to the meeting.  

7. Department/Committee Reports:

A. Public Works Report:  Larry Burns

B. Police Department Report:  Kent Graham

C. Municipal Court Report:  For the month of October 2019, there were 59 citations issued, 64 violations, 2 to juveniles, and 6 to minors. Total amount reported is $12,793.67, the percentage of the City’s portion hasn’t been determined due the time frame of the adjusted State fees. 

D. City Secretary:  Misty Burgess, there will be no Regular City Council Meeting in December. All regular monthly bills will be paid as usual and presented in January. The dumpster will be at City Hall Dec. 7th.

E. Handbook Committee:  Opportunity to ask questions and/or address concerns regarding Employee Handbook amendments.

8. Consent Agenda:  Items included under the Consent Agenda require little or no deliberation by the Council. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Secretary to proceed with the conclusion of each item as reflected in the Minutes of this meeting.

A. Consider approval of the Minutes from the Regular Meeting held on Oct. 15, 2019
B. Consider rescinding the Special Meeting held Oct. 24, 2019
C. Consider approval of Financial Statement for the month of October 2019 
D. Consider approval of Accounts Payable – October, 2019

Regular Agenda Items (9 –16)

9. Discuss and take action:  Discuss and consider approval to support Timpson Senior Apartments renovations Resolution 20191119-1, and a waiver of fees for the Development (or reduction of fees in an amount of at least $250).

10. Discuss and take action: Discuss and consider approval for the Volunteer Fire Dept to Purchase 2 sets of combination rescue tools, estimating $18,650 from R&J Rescue Sales & Service.

11. Discuss and take action: Discuss and take action on the Woodlawn Cemetery mowing contract to renew or accept bids for 2020. The current contract is with Pineywoods Lawn Care (Ricky Askins) for $1,250 per month, ending January 31, 2020.

12. Discuss and take action: Discuss and consider approval for W/S dept to purchase hydraulic pipe cutter in the amount of $2,100.

13. Discuss and take action:  Discuss and possibly take action on proposed changes to the Police Dept Handbook addressing schedule and timing issues.  

A. Schedule changes
B. “Without notice” schedule changes
C. Sit down meals
D. Sporting events

14. Discuss and take action: Discuss and take action to hire part-time administrative clerk from the candidates interviewed Oct 24th, and determine pay rate/start date.

15. Discuss and take action: Discuss and consider monthly City Council meetings to be held at the Library.

16. Discuss and take action: Schedule a Special meeting to possibly amend the Employee and PD Handbook.

17. Adjourn.