Timpson Masonic Lodge #437 Presents Various Honors

Pictured are (from left): Issac Mathis, Robert Harrison, Right Worshipful Larry Molloy, DDGM District 15; Worshipful Master Robert Coan; Hunter W. Tipton, Donald Dirk "Dondi" Tipton, 25-year honoree; and Thomas M. Bush, 50-year honoree. 

May 24, 2022 - Timpson Masonic Lodge #437 honored several individuals from the community as well as long-term members of the organization Saturday, May 21, 2022.

The ceremony was led by Worshipful Master Bert Coan who welcomed those being honored and family attending the event with them.

Coan remarked how glad he was for the lodge to be able to recognize and honor those receiving the scholarships, Mirabeau B. Lamar medal and pins for 25 and 50 years of service as they haven't been able to have such ceremonies in the past couple of years due to Covid-19.


Those presented with the Mirabeau B. Lamar medal and scholarship from Timpson Lodge #437 by Coan were Hunter Tipton and Issac Mathis. Also receiving a Mirabeau B. Lamar medal was Robert Harrison, Timpson ISD welding/FFA teacher.


After the presentation of medals Donald Dirk "Dondi" Tipton was presented with a 25-year award pin as a member of Timpson Lodge #437.

Right Worshipful Larry Molloy, District Deputy Grand Master - District 15, had the honor of presenting Thomas M. Bush, who was initiated into freemasonry in 1970 in Timpson Lodge #437, with a 50-year award pin.