"Walk Across Texas" Kicks Off at Portacool Park

May 20, 2024 - The "Walk Across Texas" kickoff event was held at Portacool Park on Monday, May 20 to encourage Shelby County to let’s 'Get Up and Get Fit' together by walking enough miles together to “Walk Across Texas!” The eight week program has the goal of walking at least 830 miles with those attending marking off trip miles on the walking path around Portacool park. The pathway is flat and partially shaded and a great place for beginning walkers. The park facilities include a quarter-mile walking trail and restroom facilities.

"Walk Across Texas," sponsored by the Shelby County Walk for Change Committee, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the Shelby County Chamber of Commerce – Health Care Committee is a fun, flexible, and FREE way to encourage people to exercise.

You can walk around the park, your neighborhood, at the gym, wherever your feet will take you to meet the goal. You can also participate in other activities as well; 20 minutes of physical activity is equal to one mile in most cases. There is no entry fee. The event is open to businesses and the public, both adults and youth. We can meet up and walk or you can walk individually. Everyone will exercise and/or walk at YOUR OWN PACE! Each winning team or solo walker will receive a prize!

It’s not too late to sign up! For more information, call Feleshia Thompson, CEA-FCH at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Shelby County at 936-598-7744 Monday – Friday, 8am – 3pm or email at feleshia.thompson@ag.tamu.edu. All registration is done online.