Wearing The Mask by Neal Murphy

July 16, 2020 - Well, I finally gave in to the urging of all our public officials – I am now wearing a mask out in public. I resisted for a time as my mind flew back to the 1940s when, as a kid, I watched movies at the Augus Theatre of cowboys who sometimes wore masks. It seemed that every cowboy had a large silk rag around his neck. The ones who robbed banks and stage coaches pulled their rag up over their noses while committing their dastardly deeds.

My mask is dark black. My wife says it looks good on me, makes me look distinguished. However, one problem with it is that my hot breath fogs my glasses constantly. Another problem with everyone wearing a mask is that I do not recognize them. I am constantly asking someone, “Is that you under that mask?”

It seems that the use of face masks dates back to around 1897 when two Polish surgeons used them during surgery. Masks came into use to protect against infectious diseases in the early 20th century. They were used during the Manchurian pneumonic plague outbreak, and more widely used in the 1918 flu epidemic. In the 1940s, face masks made from cheesecloth were used to protect nurses from tuberculosis.

During the 1918 flu pandemic, streetcar conductors in Seattle refused to admit riders who did not have on face masks. So, now in 2020 the government is requiring the use of the masks by everyone. Some stores will not let one into their place of business unless masks are worn. So, history does seem to repeat itself.

I predict that once a vaccine is developed for the Covid-19 virus, the government will require everyone to be vaccinated. Those so vaccinated will be issued a card which they will carry with them at all times. In order to enter a store they will have to show their card to be admitted. This is a prelude to the one world government.

I wish my mask had other uses besides protecting against a virus invasion. The cowboy’s kerchief around their necks not only protected them from dirt and dust, a fellow could pull one up over his face to hide his identity. A cowboy could also use his kerchief to tie down his hat to keep his ears warm on a cold morning. He could spread it out for a tablecloth at mealtime. He could use it as a filter for drinking from a stream. He could use it to clean his revolver, or wipe his face. It could be used to wave to others as a signal, or to carry his grub or firewood. And if the need arises, he could even use it to blow his nose. My mask can’t be used for things like that.

So, even though my wearing a mask out in public is a bother, it is hopefully keeping me safe from the virus, and is also protecting those around me. Hopefully this is not the “new normal” that folks are talking about. To me, all this activity is not “normal.” Stay safe out there.