December 8, 2023 - I would like to announce my candidacy for Shelby County Sheriff. Many of you know me as I retired as your Sheriff in 2020. I quickly found out I am not ready for retirement. I’ve spent the last three years cooking up some pretty good steaks until about 2 months ago, when I was offered the position of Investigator for the District and County Attorney offices. I have given this a lot of thought and with so many calls encouraging me to run again, I have decided to do so.
I am proud of the job that I did as your Sheriff for 8 years. I ran the sheriff’s office as strongly and efficiently as possible. I made mistakes, but learned from them. We made it with the budget we were given by the Commissioner Court. I don’t think we ever overspent, in fact, there were times we had enough left over to buy new patrol vehicles.
In the past three years there has been a tremendous amount of money put into the Sheriff’s office, over and above the General Fund budget, for much needed equipment, jail repairs and employee pay raises. I am hoping now that most of those needs have met, we can focus on getting a full staff of deputies and jailers. This should be a priority. I believe that the office needs an experienced Sheriff to come in on day 1 and be able to go to work, knowing the job and what needs to be done. I had and have now a good working relationship with the Commissioner Court and would expect to continue that in order to make the most prudent decisions for the office.
I am a 45 year resident of Shelby County, coming here from Cuero, Texas. My wife of 41 years is Ann Moody Blackwell, who is also our County Treasurer. Her family is Freddie Moody and the late Dan Moody. We have 4 children, Rick and Kelly Foehner, Will and Amy Blackwell, Julie and Larry Mays and Joanna and Blake Huckabee. We have 10 grands and 6 great grands that are, of course, the most amazing kiddos. I have spent most all my life serving the public with 4 years in the US Navy; 28 years as Texas Game Warden, and 11 years with the Shelby County Sheriff’s office.
I still have a lot to offer the citizens of Shelby County and would be honored to have the opportunity to do that.
Thank you,
Willis Blackwell