Submitted by Gladys Andrews

CMS Awards Day and Early Release

May 12, 2016 - Center Middle School will have its annual Awards Day Friday, May 20, 2016.  The schedule is as follows:

6th Grade - 8:15 - 9:15
7th Grade - 9:30 - 10:30
8th Grade - 10:45 - 11:45

Lunch will begin at the following times:
6th Grade 11:05
7th Grade 11:30
8th Grade 12:00

Students will be released to go home three hours early at 12:23.

Center MS Community Engagement Survey

May 4, 2016 - Center Middle School are seeking feed back from the community through a Community Engagement Survey.

This survey is used to meet the local evaluation requirement referred to as the community engagement component of HB 5.  The community engagement requirement is an opportunity for the district to showcase areas of excellence and success as well as recognize areas in need of improvement and set future goals valued in our community.  Center MS would greatly appreciate your help in this process.

Center MS Yearbook, It's Not Too Late

April 20, 2016 - Center Middle School yearbook #cmsridernation2016 is being published and should be delivered by end of school year.  A few extras were ordered, so make sure your CMS student will have this hardback, 96 page book to treasure for years to come!  Books cost $30.  Please see Mrs. Mahan in the front office, or Yearbook sponsor, Gladys Andrews.  ​


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