Submitted by Jennifer McCann

Joaquin ISD Minutes of School Board Meeting June 19, 2017

June 22, 2017 - The Joaquin ISD School Board met Monday, June 19, 2017 in regular session at 6pm in the Joaquin Boardroom with the following members present: Chrisco Bragg, Ronnie Belrose (arrived at 6:18 p.m.), Tam Heamsberger, Thomas Harvey, Bill Mason, Jr., and Jeff Cater. Board member absent was Brandon Neal. No guests present. Joaquin ISD employees present were Phil Worsham, Superintendent; Joel Bumback, Director of Finance; Sherry Scruggs, Elementary Principal; Terri Gray, Jr. High Principal; Bert Coan, Elementary Assistant Principal; and Donna Vergo, Human Resources.

Joaquin ISD School Board Meeting Agenda, June 19

June 15, 2017 - Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of June 2017 the Board of Trustees of the Joaquin School District will hold a regular meeting at 6pm, at the Administration building, Joaquin, Texas.

1     Roll call, establishment of quorum, call to order – Joaquin ISD shall have one member via video conference call – Texas Government Code Section 551.127

2     Invocation and Pledges of Allegiance

Joaquin Lady Rams Playoff Series

May 23, 2017 - Joaquin Lady Rams vs. Woden Lady Eagles
First Game: Thursday, May 25th at 6pm
Second Game: Saturday, May 27th at 2pm
Third Game: 30 minutes following Game 2 if necessary.

All Games will be played at Tatum ISD. All passes accepted.

Price: Adult - $3.00, Students - $2.00

Please come out to support our Lady Rams!

Joaquin ISD Public Notice Regarding Destruction of Special Education Records

May 19, 2017 - Notice is hereby given that in accordance with 34CFR 300.573, Joaquin Independent School District intends to destroy the records of all students who exited from any special education program prior to and during the 2004-2005 school year.

Any student, or former student, who has reached 18 years of age, may review and/or receive these records by contacting the Special Education Department at (936)269-3258 X 239 and scheduling an appointment by July 30, 2017. Destruction of these records will begin August 30, 2017.


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