Submitted by Jennifer McCann

Joaquin ISD Board Meeting Minutes

December 19, 2017 - 1 The Joaquin ISD School Board met tonight in regular session at 6:00 p.m. in the Joaquin Boardroom with the following members Present: Chrisco Bragg, Bill Mason, Jr., Brandon Neal, Jeff Cater, and Thomas Harvey.

Board members absent: Ronnie Belrose and Tam Hearnsberger 

Guest(s) Present: Wayne Haglund, Attorney;  Molly Mason, Student; Michalla Byrd, Student; Gavin Penning, Student

Joaquin Band Christmas Concert

December 19, 2017 - The Joaquin Band Program will be having their annual Christmas concert in the JHS Gymnasium this Thursday, December 21st at 6:00 pm. The 6th grade beginner band as well as the JH/HS band will be performing some classic Christmas tunes and we would love for everyone to come and enjoy the sounds of Christmas with us!

Thank you all for your continued support!

Joaquin ISD Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Agenda

December 15, 2017 - Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of December, 2017 the Board of Trustees of the Joaquin School District will hold a regular meeting at 6pm, at the Administration building, Joaquin, Texas.

1. Roll call, establishment of quorum, call to order – Joaquin ISD could have members via video conference call – Texas Government Code Section 551.127 (See Attached Code)

2. Invocation and Pledges of Allegiance


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