By Randy and Sue Smith

News from Paxton Methodist Church

June 25, 2018 - Sunday was the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time.  It is hard to believe that 2018 is almost half done! June 21st was the official beginning of summer, but I think we have gotten a head start in the summer heat department. A couple of the regulars were out this morning, so our numbers were pretty slim. But we had a great Sunday school lesson and our time in worship was well spent.  I had been under the weather for most of the week and didn’t finish my sermon until late Saturday night. Not one to procrastinate, I was pretty uncomfortable with my late finish. 

News from Paxton Methodist Church, June 19th

June 19, 2018 - Sunday was the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time. It was also Father’s Day. It is hard to believe that we are about halfway through this year. Time really does fly by. Our Sunday School class moved out one of the big tables and we all sat around it instead of Ms. Fannie standing behind a podium. Today’s lesson was titled “Jesus Teaches About Justice.” The Pharisees and legal experts came to Jesus complaining that his disciples didn’t follow the purity codes before eating; Jesus dealt handily with them as usual. 

News from Paxton Methodist Church

June 12, 2018 - Sunday was the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time.  It was overcast Sunday morning, and the talk was about the possibility of some rain.  Later Sunday afternoon we got almost 2 inches at the Smith house!  We really needed it—my yard and garden sure appreciated it.  I enjoyed not having to drag hoses around, watering various garden spots. 

News from Paxton Methodist Church

May 28, 2018 - Sunday was Trinity Sunday.  There are six major festival days of the Christian Church. The big two are Easter and Christmas. The others are the Epiphany, the Ascension, Pentecost, and Trinity Sunday. The only festival that doesn’t center on an event is Trinity Sunday, which centers on a doctrine of the church. The concept of the Trinity was put into words in the fourth century with the Nicene Creed. So we recited the Nicene Creed during the Church Service.

News from Paxton Methodist Church, May 21st

May 21, 2018 - Sunday was the Day of Pentecost, which is seen as the birth of the church. This Sunday we celebrate wind and fire and the excitement of something new. But Pentecost is not really a new celebration. It was the Festival of Weeks in the Jewish faith that commemorated the harvest and later the Torah. But for us Followers of the Way, it is when the Spirit of God infused the Jesus Community, giving birth to a new way of seeing.

News from Paxton Methodist Church, May 13th

May 14, 2018 - Sunday was the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Next Sunday is the Day of Pentecost which tradition tells us is the birth of the Jesus Movement. Today is also Mother’s Day. This holiday is set aside to honor mothers and those who helped raise us. Mothers are instrumental in the family: We often see what happens to families where love has disappeared or never existed. Jesus certainly understood the import of mothers, our families, our friends, our marriages, our church, and our journey in faith.

News from Paxton Methodist Church

April 30, 2018 - Sunday was the Fifth Sunday of Easter. The Epistle Lesson was 1 John 4: 7-21. The emphasis was on the need to care for one another. John says we are to love others as God loves us. And that God is love. English is such a weird language. In the Unabridged Random House Dictionary the one word love has 24 definitions! The third definition says, “A feeling of brotherhood and good will toward other people.” This is what John and Jesus were talking about. Unfortunately, this kind of compassion is lost on way to many people who call themselves Christians.

News from Paxton Methodist Church

April 23, 2018 - Sunday was the Fourth Sunday of Easter. We had a small crowd at worship today.  We all hope that Joy gets to feeling better real soon.  Joe, Fannie, and Gene went last Saturday to the dedication of the Spanish-language church that used to meet after us at the Paxton Church. All three had a good time and were really impressed by how pretty the new sanctuary was. I know they’re pleased with their new space!


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