December 10, 2018 - Sunday was the Second Sunday of Advent. Do you remember when early this year we all wanted rain? Well, we certainly have had a wet autumn. On Friday we had more than four inches, and I am sure we got more Saturday. Our daughter was visiting us this weekend, glad to see her little dog after a month apart. We always enjoy seeing Megan, this time getting to hear all about her travels in Asia. Sue and I went to Nacogdoches to meet up with Sue’s brother and sister-in-law who came up from Houston—also Sue’s sister and brother-in-law, their granddaughter, and Sue’s mom.
December 3, 2018 - Sunday was the First Sunday of Advent. The church really looked festive this morning. Joy and Gene bought a new Christmas tree full of lights. Joy, Gene, and Carolyn decorated the tree. Ms. Fannie bought poinsettias and placed them along the communion rail. Sue and I noticed the manger scene in front of the church when we drove back from Nacogdoches. It is really starting to feel like Christmas!
November 26, 2018 - Sunday was Christ the King Sunday. We Americans are not real keen on kings and queens, but the question posed by Christ the King Sunday is whether we put the ways of Christ first. Are we working to bring his Kingdom of justice, tolerance, and peace into our world? We completed our series of Sunday School lessons and will be ready for the Winter Quarter next Sunday. Our lesson once again focused on Jacob.
November 19, 2018 - Sunday at Paxton was Thanksgiving Sunday. Our Gathering Words were from Psalm 100, a great prayer of Thanksgiving. Even though my sermon was about worrying, it was also about practicing thankfulness. We are human and therefore are going to worry. We worry about our health, our family and friends, and getting old. It is when worry becomes obsessive that it crowds out thankfulness, contentment, and joy. We have to guard against that.
November 12, 2018 - Sunday at Paxton was Gideon Sunday as well as Veterans Day. We had as our guest Gideon speaker Cliff Hickman from Henderson. We really appreciated the update on the work of the Gideons. We budget money each year for their work and many past members of this church were Gideons.
November 5, 2018 - Sunday was All Saints Sunday. Last Thursday was All Hallowed Saints Day. We still celebrate All Hallowed Saints Eve (Halloween), but few Christians celebrate All Saints Day on Thursday. So Sunday has become the day we remember the saints of our church and the saints of our lives. We are having Texas autumn weather with cool mornings, but some afternoons the temperature nearly reached 80! Droughts seem a thing of the past as we are now well ahead in rainfall for the year.
October 29, 2018 - Sunday was the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time. What a surprise I had when I got to Sunday School! When I first came in and saw the young man standing next to Fannie, I thought he was one of Fannie’s grandsons. But I soon realized he was former student and friend, Glenn McGee, in town for the memorial of his classmate, David Bigger. Sue and I taught Glenn and his sister Whitney, becoming close friends with his mother Carolyn and his stepfather Robert, who were our daughter’s godparents at her baptism. Seeing Glenn was a wonderful surprise.
October 24, 2018 - Sunday was the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Sunday morning was crisp and cool and we all had a taste of autumn in the air. Gene came early and lit the heaters and our Sunday School class was nice and warm. Our Sunday School lesson continued the theme of creation and spoke of the miracle of Abraham and Sarah having a baby at an advanced age. A woman past her time that she could conceive having a baby was a common theme in the Hebrew Scriptures and always points to something wonderful and miraculous.
October 15, 2018 - Sunday was the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. What a great surprise I had when I made it to Sunday School and saw Carolyn! She’s back from an extended stay with her sister in Pennsylvania. She and grandson Guy attended church last Sunday while Sue and I were in Dallas. Guy had flown to Pennsylvania so he and grandmother could fly home together. It is great to see Guy up and about after his terrible accident.
October 2, 2018 - Sunday was the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We have had plenty of rain toward the end of September, but we are still waiting for the fall-like temperatures. We had a special guest at Sunday School and church this morning. Dan Sample from near St.