By Randy and Sue Smith

Happenings at Paxton Methodist

May 27, 2019 - Love and peace from our brother Jesus. Sunday was the Sixth Sunday of Easter. Monday is Memorial Day: Our thoughts and celebrations should be about those who sacrificed so much. As the Christ said, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” I have been watching a mini-series on the terrible nuclear accident at Chernobyl. The accident was much worse than believed; but for the heroic efforts of first responders, miners, engineers, and scientists, the devastation would have been catastrophic.

Happenings at Paxton Methodist

May 20, 2019 - Love and peace from our brother Jesus. Sunday was the Fifth Sunday of Easter. This week has sped by.  Most schools have held their graduation ceremonies and kids and teachers are free! We have two nursing home ministries this coming week. On Tuesday we meet at Holiday and on Thursday, Lakeside Assisted Living. Both start at 2:00, and we would love to see you there. 

Happenings at Paxton Methodist, May 13th

May 14, 2019 - Love and peace from our brother Jesus. Sunday was the Fourth Sunday of Easter. The first lesson, the one I chose for my sermon, came from the second part of the Luke Gospel called The Acts of the Apostles. It is the strange story about Dorcas or Tabitha who was a faithful disciple of Jesus. She tended to those in need all around her and was deeply loved. When she became ill, Peter was sent for. Dorcas had died, but Peter called upon her to rise: She did.

Happenings at Paxton Methodist

May 7, 2019 - Love and peace from our brother Jesus. Sunday was the Third Sunday of Easter. Easter is not to be a one-day remembrance and celebration but a way of life, and the time from Easter to Pentecost is often referred to as Eastertide. The first Sunday in May was beautiful after days of rain and storms. Since it was the first Sunday of the month, we celebrated Holy Communion. Also, during this month we will be collecting cans of fruit for Community Christian Services.

Happenings at Paxton Methodist

April 23, 2019 - Love and peace from our brother Jesus. Sunday was Easter. Well, at least it was Easter in the Western part of the world. Next Sunday will be Easter for the Eastern Church.  It was decided at the Council of Nicea that Easter would be the first Sunday following the full moon after the March equinox. So Easter is a “moveable feast” day. To complicate things more, the Western Church used the Gregorian calendar and the Eastern Church used the Julian calendar to determine Easter’s date: Thus, we have two different dates for Easter. 

Happenings at Paxton Methodist

Love and peace from our brother Jesus. Sunday was Palm and Passion Sunday.  I usually like to celebrate Palm Sunday because it is festive, whereas Passion Sunday is full of betrayal, torture, and death. Either way, this week is the most important week of the Christian faith. Our Sunday school lesson was appropriately named “Called to Remember.”  The main scripture was Matthew 26: 1-13.

Happenings at Paxton Methodist, April 1st

April 1, 2019 - Love and peace from our brother Jesus. Sunday was the Fourth Sunday in Lent. With Easter not until April 21st Lent seems longer than usual. But that can’t be true because Lent is always exactly 40 days long. This year I have stressed that Lent is about our life-long journey into God. Jesus emerged from the wilderness, turning toward Jerusalem and the events of the Last Week, which culminated in Easter Morning. 

Happenings at Paxton Methodist, March 25th

March 26, 2019 - Love and peace from our brother Jesus. Sunday was the Third Sunday in Lent. We had such a nice week, and spring has officially sprung. It was really good to get out into the yard and garden, but I couldn’t help thinking about those hot summer days that are sure to come. I should just be satisfied with the now, but I am not always that mindful. We had a small group at church this morning. Fannie shared that she had a good, newsy visit with Keith. We certainly do miss Keith and Vera and hope Keith is feeling better.

Happenings at Paxton Methodist, March 17th

March 18, 2019 - Love and peace from our brother Jesus. Sunday was the Second Sunday in Lent. And the luck of the calendar (or of the Irish!) meant that Sunday was also St. Patrick’s Day. The patron saint of Ireland was actually from England, but like the bumperstickers say, he got there as fast as he could. After a rainy, stormy start of the week, the last few days have been cool but sunny. Mr. and Mrs. Bravo have set up their nursery down in Haslam, a sure sign that spring is almost here!


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