Submitted by Sydney Brookshire

Gifted and Talented Program Referrals Open

October 3, 2022 - The Counseling Department of Center ISD is accepting referrals for the Gifted and Talented program until Friday, October 28, 2022 for our annual assessment period.

Referral forms can be found on the District website and in the front office of each campus and should be returned either to the campus office or to the administration office. While the district accepts referrals throughout the year, assessments for students after October 28, 2022 will be on an as-needed basis as determined by the district.

Scholastic Book Fair, Used Book Sale: Open Now!

September 13, 2022 - The Center High School Library will host the Scholastic Book Fair and Used Book Sale September 12-16. The sale will be open to the public Monday-Thursday from 4-5pm.

Scholastic Book Fair

You can view the scholastic site for our sale here, and you can click here for the digital flyer. Guardians can set up an e-wallet for students to spend by using this link.

Used Book Sale

All of our used books will be priced 50 cents or one dollar. 


Subscribe to RSS - Submitted by Sydney Brookshire