Submitted by Sydney Brookshire

CMS Homecoming Week

October 5, 2015 - To show pride during homecoming week, students of Center Middle School are encouraged to dress up for theme days. Please ensure that all outfits are in compliance with the school dress code.

Monday - Sunglasses
Tuesday - Purple Pride
Wednesday - Superhero
Thursday - Professional Dress

Students and staff are encouraged to use the hashtag #CMSHOCO2015 in any pictures they post to social media during the week!

Center Elementary Kicks Off the WATCH D.O.G.S.® (Dads Of Great Students) Program

September 28, 2015 - Students and fathers and father-figures of Center Elementary are invited to Dads and Kids’ Pizza Night on September 29, 2015 at 6pm to kick off an innovative father involvement program called WATCH D.O.G.S.® (Dads Of Great Students). Dads and Kids' Pizza Night will be held at the CES Cafeteria, located at 621 Roughrider Drive, Center, TX 75935.

The UCA Center Middle School Cheerleaders Fund Raiser

September 16, 2015 - The UCA Center Middle School Cheerleaders are selling plates for Thursday, September 24. The plate contains a BBQ stuffed baked potato, dessert and drink, and each plate would be $8.00.

They can be delivered to a place of business or picked up on the square. To place an order, call (936) 590-1770 or fax the form no later than Friday, September 18th at 3 pm.

Center High School FFA Pecan Fundraiser

September 16, 2015 - Pecans are $9.95 for a 1lb. bag of pecan halves, and $9.00 for a 1 lb. bag of pecan pieces. To order, contact Valerie Anthony at the CHS High School Front Office at (936) 598-6173.

All orders and money are due by October 7 and pecans will arrive back to the school for pick-up the week before Thanksgiving.

No orders will be taken without payment. No orders will be taken after October 7th.


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