Submitted by Tim Perkins

Center Church of Christ Revised Worship Schedule

March 21, 2020 - As we all navigate through these unprecedented times in our country, it is very important that we are following the advice of public health officials to attempt to halt or mitigate the spread of this dreadful virus. Equally important is that we are still making worship and service to the God of Heaven the utmost priority in our lives. To that end, if you are planning to join us for worship tomorrow, you will be welcomed with open arms.

Across the Preacher’s Desk: That’s My Neighbor!

March 19, 2020 - I read something the other day that has a lesson in it for all of us. It seems that a Bible Class Teacher, in order to get her lessons over to her students, would describe some character and ask the class to tell her who the character was. One day, she described Jesus. She told how gentle and kind he was, and how he was always helping others, then she asked the children to tell he who she had described. One little boy said, “That’s my neighbor”.

Across the Preachers' Desk: Laughter

March 11, 2020 - A laugh may be the sweetest or the most bitter sound that comes from the human voice, according to the sentiment it expresses.

Laughter is not an unimportant incident in a happy life, but a gift of God to serve a definite purpose, and is even more useful in less happy lives.

Laughter is one of life’s greatest shock absorbers. Many of the things at which we laugh would be very annoying if we did not think them funny, and laughter is nature’s device for taking up the jolt.

Across the Preacher's Desk: Two Gates

February 13, 2020 - According to the teachings of Jesus, every person is going through one of two gates. Either they are choosing to enter the narrow gate and the narrow way or they are choosing the broad way which leads through the broad gate.

Of course, these two ideas represent two ways of life. One represents the way of good while the other represents the way of evil. The thought taught by Jesus in Matthew 7 is that more people will follow the easy, popular way of life than the one prescribed in the scriptures.

Across the Preacher's Desk: Try Prayer!

February 6, 2020 - I read a quote not long ago that said, “If a congregation wants a better preacher, it can get one by praying for the one it has.” I thought to myself, how true that is not just for preachers, but for everyone. Often we complain about our families, friends, coworkers and neighbors, but of course nothing comes of that but more discontent. We try to change others and invariably fail. We must stop trying to change others by our power and allow the power of prayer to make the difference.

Across the Preacher's Desk: Consumerism and Christianity

January 23, 2020 - In our day and time, we have become obsessed with the consumer mentality. To be sure, it has permeated every aspect of our lives. We look for a restaurant with the best price, menu, atmosphere and location. We shop for clothes at a store that carries our size, has our taste in clothes and the best sales.

Sadly, many take this same attitude with them when it comes to church. To be sure, we call it “church shopping”.


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