Jasper Clark would like to announce the birth of his little brother, Carson Bryan Clark, who was born September 23, 2022 at 7:05pm weighting 7lb 5.5oz and 19 3/4 inches long. Proud parents are Bryan Clark and Ashton Cheshire. Big Brother is Jasper Clark. Grandparents are Justin and Vickie Richard, Michael Clark, and Johnny and Valerie Cheshire. (Click here to share announcement)
The Stone Family would like to announce the birth of our twin granddaughters born in Simenole, Texas March 25th, 2019. Delilah Grace Stone weighed 6.4 lbs and 18 1/4" long, Destyne Leigh Stone weighed 6.3 lbs. and 19" long. Proud parents are Cory & Kendra Stone from Lovington, New Mexico, and big brothers are Levi and Lucas Stone. Paternal grandparents are Shawn & Laura Stone of Lovington, New Mexico. Maternal grandparents are Lee & Teresa Norris of Hobbs, New Mexico. Paternal great-grandparents are Ann Stone of Center, Texas and David & Brownie Hanhart of Center, Texas. Maternal great-grandparents are JW & Patsy Norris and Robert & Myra Carr from Hobbs, New Mexico.
Jasper Kane Clark born November 19th weighting 7lb 12oz, 20in long. Welcoming Jasper into the World are his Amazing Parents Bryan Clark & Ashton Cheshire; Paternal Grandparents Justin & Vickie Bragg Richard & Michael Clark; Maternal Grandparents Johnny & Valerie Bates Cheshire.
Welcome to the world, Bryce Morgan!! Bryce Morgan Dennis was born June 26, 2018, weighing 8 lbs. 12 oz and 20 1/2" long. Proud parents are Chris & Amanda Dennis of Joaquin, TX, along with proud big brother, Riley James. Paternal grandparents are Randy & Deborah Dennis of Joaquin, TX. Maternal grandparents are Diane & Dewey Carroll of Joaquin, TX, Katherine Reeves of San Antonio, TX and John Bearden of Las Vegas, NV.
We would like to announce the birth of Emily Nicole Perkins on July 12, 2018. Parents are Alanna Owens and Samuel Perkins. Maternal grandparents are Candy Rhoads and Joseph Woolf and the late James Owens. Paternal grandparents are Dottie Perkins and Mark Campbell and Jimmy Perkins.
Cidnee and Jaelyn are pround to announce the birth of their precious baby boy JaMonté Decamry Short born January 18, 2018 at 1:59pm weighing 5lbs 12 oz and 18 inches long.