Composed by Scott Flowers

Commissioners Talk Budget, Tax Rate; County Attorney Seeks Open Discussion

August 21, 2021 - Gary Rholes, County Attorney, addressed the Shelby County Commissioners on August 18, 2021, during a budget workshop regarding a desire for more transparency as he stated he had been hearing "rumors" about public officials not receiving raises. He has also heard, amongst other employees who may receive raises in the upcoming budget, those who are beneficiary of an added benefit may not be granted a raise in reflection of that added benefit. 

Commissioners Learn of Jail Plumbing Issues, Approve Constable Donation

September 1, 2021 - The Shelby County Commissioners were updated during their meeting August 18, 2021, on Shelby County Jail plumbing issues.

Shelby County Judge Allison Harbison explained a plumbing inspection camera had been fed into the jail plumbing system to help determine some issues with the system and Gary Adams with DRG Architects addressed the court.

"We ran a camera down your main drains, we knew we had problems," said Adams. "The camera was showing us some low spots in the line."


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