Composed by Scott Flowers

AT&T Reports Outage in Shelby County Area

July 21, 2021 - AT&T has reported an outage in the Shelby County area and has announced a projected restoral of 6-7 hours. 

Anyone calling the Shelby County Today office at this time will receive a message stating, "your call cannot be completed as dialed, please check the number and dial again."

Should you need to call Shelby County Today, you can alternately call 936-332-4845 or contact us through email.

This outage is not effecting our ability to update Shelby County Today.

Sheriff Windham Updates Commissioners on First Six Months

July 21, 2021 - Shelby County Sheriff Kevin Windham addressed the County Commissioners July 14, 2021, to give an update on the first six months of his term, the total arrests, calls that have been received as well as traffic enforcement.

Sheriff Windham expressed appreciation to the commissioners for allowing him to provide them with that information at this time. 

County Commissioners Choose New Email Hosting Service, Follow Investment Recommendations

July 7, 2021 - The Shelby County Commissioners decided to move forward with a new email hosting service for the county to help offer increased protection from Cyber Security threats during their meeting held Wednesday, June 30, 2021.

The email hosting service the county utilizes is with the Texas Association of Counties (TAC) called CIRA (County Information Resource Agency).


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