Composed by Scott Flowers

Center ISD COVID Case Update, Sept. 28

September 28, 2020 - Center ISD High School and F.L. Moffett campuses have reported more positive cases of COVID-19. In response to these occurences, Center ISD has issued letters to parents, guardians and staff members regarding the cases; however, the information is vague in that neither of these instances is the positive case identified as a student or staff member:

Timpson ISD Reports Two New Cases of COVID-19

September 18, 2020 - Timpson ISD has reported two more cases of COVID-19 on the high school campus as of Friday, September 18, 2020.

According to information released by the school, Timpson ISD must report two cases of COVID-19 this week at Timpson High School.

Each student has been quarantined and the areas have been cleaned and sanitized. Relevant information has been reported to the State Health Department.


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