By Neal Murphy

“The Dollar Versus Crypto” by Neal Murphy

May 2, 2022 - I realize that I am getting old and set in my ways, but I am constantly being surprised by what is going on in our country these days.  I am not a great fan of computers, but I have to admit that they have about taken over our country.  A good example is that a new computer form of money has taken off and is invading most of our lives.  The most prominent one is called “Cryptocurrency”.  What in the heck is this new form of legal tender?  Since I had never heard of it until recently, I had to do a little research.  I discovered the following items:

“McElroy Lane” by Neal Murphy

April 26, 2022 - Back in the 1940s this little road was called McElroy Lane. It has been renamed County Road 105 for 9-1-1 emergency purposes. As a young boy, McElroy lane was my very favorite place to ride my bicycle almost every day. It was almost directly across the highway from my home and provided much entertainment for a growing boy.

“The Carhop” by Neal Murphy

March 28, 2022 - Occasionally I allow my mind to wander back to the 1950s when food establishments served their foods to patrons while in their cars. The food was taken from the kitchen to the cars by attractive young girls called “carhops.” One does not see them any more, except an occasional food vendor in a large city doing this as a novelty.

“My Mother’s Clothes-line” By Neal Murphy

March 1, 2022 - Anyone who grew up in the 1940s and 1950s like me will probably remember the clothes-lines that dotted most every back yard in our small town of San Augustine, Texas. I still recall the one that my parents had, which was strung between two posts for about thirty feet. Actually, mother's line consisted of two thirty-feet wires so as to double the amount of wet clothes that could be dried at the same time.

“Why Just $19.00 per Month?” by Neal Murphy

February 4, 2022 - Have you noticed lately that most non-profit organizations solicit donations of only $19.00 per month? Being rather inquisitive about these important things, I delved into why organizations solicit like they do, just $19.00 per month. I wondered just why they did not go for the additional dollar and request $20.00 per month. Seems logical to me. Well, some research answered this question. There are two reasons: Federal Income Tax, and Customer Ignorance. Allow me to explain.

"What Color is Your Car?" by Neal Murphy

January 6, 2022 - Many years ago I worked as an underwriter for Allstate Insurance Company. My job was to select applications for automobile insurance coverage that I thought met the company's requirements, and would be profitable. I recall that Allstate conducted a nation-wide survey to determine which color cars were involved in the most accidents. To my surprise, the winner was light blue cars. Now, fast-forward to today. Is that still the case?

In a recent national survey the following color cars were determined to be involved in the most accidents, beginning with:

"Hoppin' John and Limpin' Susan" by Neal Murphy

December 27, 2021 - Another New Year’s Day is upon us and, as Southerners, we will be eating the symbolic meal of Hoppin’ John to assure a happy and prosperous new year filled with good luck. Most of you are familiar with the dish usually made with black-eyed peas (Texas Caviar), rice, chopped onion, and sliced bacon, all seasoned with a bit of salt. This dish has an interesting history.


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