By Senator Robert Nichols (Senate District)

Nichols Requests Applications for Texas Armed Services Scholarship

June 7, 2017 - Today, Senator Robert Nichols (R-Jacksonville) request qualified students to apply for a Texas Armed Services Scholarship.

"This scholarship is a way to encourage and reward students interested in military service," said Nichols. "It provides a unique opportunity for students to pursue higher education and take advantage of preparation from the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) programs at universities in Texas."

My Five Cents: This Week at the Texas Capital

June 1, 2017 - The 85th Legislative Session has come to an end. I believe it was a successful 140 days, and we accomplished a lot for the people of Texas.

My weekly column will now revert back to a monthly column and I will continue to keep you updated as to what is happening not only at your state Capitol, but also in your state.

Here are five things that happened this week at your Texas Capitol:

1. President Pro Tempore

Nichols Named President Pro Tempore After Successful 85th Legislative Session

May 29, 2017 - Austin -- On Monday, the 85th Legislative Session came to a close, marking another successful session for the people of Texas. Senator Robert Nichols (R-Jacksonville), was also elected President Pro Tempore, by a unanimous vote from the members of the Texas Senate.

"Working together, I believe this Legislature has passed integral legislation to benefit the entire State of Texas," said Senator Robert Nichols. "Serving the people of Senate District 3 has been one of the greatest honors of my life, and I look forward to continuing to work for them."

'My Five Cents' by Senator Nichols

May 25, 2017 - This weekend, our country will observe Memorial Day and remember the sacrifices of the military men and women who gave their lives serving our nation. I hope we all take time to give thanks for those who sacrificed everything for our nation so we might live free.

Here are five things happening at your Capitol this week:
1. Session almost over

My Five Cents: Hot or Not?, Sanctuary Cities, Vehicle Inspections

May 11, 2017 - The pace in Austin is getting a little more frantic this week, as members have to be in three or four places at one time. Many times we have to be in one committee to hear testimony, present a bill in a different committee and cast a vote in a third. It's a busy time under the pink dome of the Capitol. 

Here are five things happening at your Capitol:
1.    Hot or Not?

My Five Cents: Lottery Winners, Top 10%, Criminal Responsibility, School Bus Safety, Special Education

April 27, 2017 - The saying goes that April showers bring May flowers, but at the Capitol April bills bring May thrills. With major issues like finalizing the state's budget and school finance reform ahead, May looks to be both busy and exciting.

Here are five things happening at your Capitol this week:

1. Anonymous Lottery Winners

My Five Cents by Sen. Robert Nichols

April 20, 2017 - As both Chambers have passed their versions of the state's budget, The Lt. Governor has appointed five Senate members to a conference committee, who along with the appointed House members will work out the differences between the different versions. The clock is winding down for this session, but I am confident we will come to an agreement and pass the state's budget.
Here are five things happening at your Capitol this week:
1. Convention of States


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