Submitted by Debbie Gilchrist

Shelbyville Retiree, Gold Card Athletic Passes

August 18, 2023 - Shelbyville Retiree Athletic Passes

Shelbyville I.S.D. is pleased to announce that all Shelbyville I.S.D. retirees will be admitted free of charge to home athletic events for the 2023-2024 school year by presenting a special pass. If you are a Shelbyville I.S.D. retiree and do not receive a pass by mail, please come by the administration office or call 598-2641.

Shelbyville Gold Card Asthletic Passes

Shelbyville Class of 2023 Project Graduation Thank you

June 29, 2023 - Thank you so much for your generous donation to the Shelbyville High School Project Graduation. We all want to thank you for committing to such a good cause for students. Project Graduation is an all-night drug- and alcohol-free event honoring graduates. It provides a safe alternative for graduates who might otherwise be partying. It keeps graduates off the roads, prevents them from becoming an accident statistic, and gives parents ease knowing their son/daughter is safely celebrating.


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