Submitted by Jennifer McCann

Joaquin Rams 2022 Track Schedule

January 17, 2022 - Mark your calendar! The Joaquin Rams Track team starts their 2022 season in North Desoto at 4pm on Thursday, February 24, 2022. To view the full schedule, click here.

The track team is led by Head Coaches Jared Jones and Mindy Bragg. Assistant Coach is Jared Duck. The boys Athletic Director is Wade Lawson and the girls Athletic Director is Steven McCann.

Joaquin ISD School Board Minutes for Dec. 13 Meeting

December 16, 2021 - The Joaquin ISD School Board met December 13, 2021 in regular session at 6pm in the Joaquin Boardroom with the following members present: Chrisco Bragg, Ronnie Belrose, Jason Harvey, Brandon Neal, Jeff Hamilton, Jacob Kay, and Jeff Cater.

Board members absent: Chrisco Bragg left at 6:23pm.

Guest(s) Present: Kelly Brooks, Michael Gatlin, Jon Wesley Gatlin.


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