Submitted by Sydney Brookshire

Center Ag Advocacy Places First

October 31, 2016 - The Center FFA Agricultural Advocacy Team traveled to Texas A&M Commerce on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 to compete against teams from across the state of Texas. Lexi Parker, Madison Kirby, Kendall Ray, Mallory Fausett, and Kalei LaRock placed FIRST place!

When FFA adviser, Jessica Shadix, asked the girls if they'd like to practice, they said, "YES! Can we get out?" The team was currently in the Wal-Mart parking lot, but it didn't matter.

Center FFA Wins 3rd Overall in District Wildlife Contest

October 31, 2016 - Eleven Center FFA Members traveled to the Winston 8 Ranch in Lufkin, TX to compete in their District Wildlife Contest on Wednesday, October 26, 2016. Overall, the team won 3rd place team out of 35 teams from five districts.

Out of 140 individual students competing, Nate Morris was the 5th top high scoring individual and Zack Fauset was the 6th top high scoring individual! They advanced to the Regional contest on Wednesday, November 2nd. Please pat these kiddos on the back as they try to advance to STATE next Wednesday!


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