
How to Secure Your Child’s Future; Get a Free Car Seat Inspection Today 2pm-4pm

October 31, 2016 - Every parent wants the best for their child’s future, and one of the best ways to make sure your child will have a bright future is to be sure that you are correctly using the right car seat for your child and that the seat is correctly installed in your vehicle every time. The problem is that keeping them safe in vehicles isn’t as easy as it might appear. Most parents think they are using their car seat correctly, but unfortunately, at least three out of four car seats are used incorrectly.

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

September 12, 2016 - With the fall season almost upon us, it is important to remember that next month is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Today, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States and the second leading cause of cancer death among North American women, according to Jheri-Lynn McSwain, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent in Shelby County. Unfortunately, many women with breast cancer do not even know that they have cancer until it is in its advanced stages.

The Troubles of Tending to a Winter Pasture

August 23, 2016 - It is well known that feeding through the winter is the most expensive part of raising livestock.  Either we cut, rake and bale excess grass for the winter months, or we buy hay from those who do.  Regardless, stockmen then feed back the hay all through the winter months when summer pastures are not growing. 

A winter pasture could be clovers, ryegrass, or small grains such as wheat, oat, or rye.  Winter pastures are planted in the fall and typically provide very high quality grazing during a time where poorer quality hay is fed.  

The Annual Armyworm

August 23, 2016 - Each year, we can fully expect to see the devastating Fall Armyworm make it’s appearance in our hay meadows.  Unlike their name, they tend to start making their damage in mid to late summer. Earlier weather patterns would appear to me to set up conditions ripe for their appearance.  And with such a potential economic pest out there, it bodes well to be prepared.   

Broiler Show Workshop

August 4, 2016 - The East Texas Poulty Festival is highlighted by the 4-H/FFA Broiler show and Auction that will be held on October 08.  As 4-H and FFA members and families are beginning to get ready for their chickens, questions may come to mind.  How big to make my pen?  How many fans do I need?  When do I raise my feeders and waterers?  These questions and many more will be addressed at the Shelby County Broiler Show Workshop.  


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