Composed by J.J. Ford

Covid-19 Update: DSHS Changes Reporting; Week Ends with Increase of 251 Cases, 2 Deaths

January 21, 2022 - One week ago the Texas Department of State Health Services announced an update to the Covid-19 Dashboard and a move away from reporting estimated number of active cases and estimate number of recoveries. Since then, the dashboard is only reporting the total number of cases and fatalities.

The number of confirmed cases and probable cases changed drastically after the update as the state was revising case totals to account for final 2020 case numbers. According to the press release, year-end data cleanup is a standard part of public health reporting.

Covid-19 Update: 259 Active Cases, 47 New Cases, 6 Recoveries

January 6, 2022 - The Texas DSHS Covid-19 Dashboard reported 47 new cases on January 7th. The active cases continue their rise and are up to 259.

Six recoveries was reported.

January 7th Numbers: (Changes since Jan. 6)
Confirmed Cases - 1,887 (19 new)
Probable Cases - 1,387 (28 new)
Fatalities - 114
Active Cases (Estimated) - 259
Recovered (Estimated) - 2,902 (6 new)


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