Composed by J.J. Ford

Covid-19 Update: 14 New Cases Brings Active Count Nearer to Triple Digits

January 6, 2021 - New cases of COVID-19 continue to be reported with 14 new cases overnight and no new recoveries.

The Texas COVID-19 Dashboard reports 7 of the new cases are confirmed cases and 7 are probable cases.

The total active cases increase to 93 and is getting closer to triple digits.

January 6th (4:40pm) Numbers:
Total Confirmed Cases - 682 (7 new cases)
Total Probable Cases - 428 (7 new cases)
Total Fatalities - 40
Total Estimated Active Cases - 93
Total Estimated Recovered - 977

Covid-19 Dashboard Update: 2 New Cases, 79 Active Cases

January 5, 2021 - After having a surge of cases at the beginning of the year, the Texas COVID-19 Dashboard reports only 2 new cases over the past two days. The lower numbers are a welcomed difference from the 32 new cases disclosed over the first three days of the year.

No new recoveries were reported and the total confirmed cases reduced by one leaving the estimated total active cases to an increase of one for a total of 79.

Center ISD COVID-19 Update, Jan. 5

January 5, 2021 - Center ISD High School campus is reporting more positive cases of COVID-19. In response to this occurrence, Center ISD has issued letters to parents, guardians and staff members regarding the cases. Once again, the information only states the positive case is an individual and does not identify as a student or staff member.

Covid-19 Dashboard Update: 32 New Cases in 2021, 78 Active Cases

January 3, 2021 - The Texas COVID-19 Dashboard reports an increase of 32 new cases since the New Year. Of the 32 cases, 28 are confirmed cases and 4 are probable cases. The state also reports 9 new estimated recoveries.

The total estimated active cases is now 78.

January 3rd (2:50pm) Numbers:
Total Confirmed Cases - 676 (28 new cases)
Total Probable Cases - 419 (4 new cases)
Total Fatalities - 40
Total Estimated Active Cases - 78
Total Estimated Recovered - 977 (9 new)

Covid-19 Dashboard Update: 9 New Cases, 55 Active Cases

Update 3:23pm - The Texas COVID-19 Dashboard reports 9 new probable cases of COVID-19 and no recoveries. 

The number of total confirmed cases reduced by 4 for a new total of 648. Case reductions have occurred before when cases are discovered to belong to a different county of residence. There was no explaination as to why the decrease.

With the increase in probable cases and the decrease in confirmed cases, the active case count is now 55.

Covid-19 Dashboard Update: 10 New Cases, 53 Active Cases

December 29, 2020 - As of 5:05pm today, the Texas COVID-19 Dashboard reports an additional 10 new cases and 2 new estimated recoveries. The number of active cases is now 53.

December 29th (5:05pm) Numbers:
Total Confirmed Cases - 652 (5 new cases)
Total Probable Cases - 406 (5 new cases)
Total Fatalities - 40
Total Estimated Active Cases - 53
Total Estimated Recovered - 965 (2 new)

Covid-19 Dashboard Update: 6 New Cases, 1 Recovery, 45 Active Cases (Updated)

Update: As of 6:36pm today, the Texas COVID-19 Dashboard reports an additional 6 new cases and 1 new estimated recovery raising the number of active cases to 45.

December 28th (4:35pm) Numbers:
Total Confirmed Cases - 647 (2 new cases)
Total Probable Cases - 401 (4 new cases)
Total Fatalities - 40
Total Estimated Active Cases - 45
Total Estimated Recovered - 963 (1 new)

Previous two days - 25 New Cases, 27 Recoveries, 40 Active Cases


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