Composed by J.J. Ford

COVID-19 Dashboard Update: 9 New Cases Increases Active Cases to 94

December 14, 2020 - The Texas COVID-19 Dashboard as of 5:55pm December 14, 2020 reports 9 new cases of COVID-19. The active count climbed to 94 without any estimated recoveries to offset the new cases.

December 14th Numbers:
Total Confirmed Cases - 623 (2 new cases)
Total Probable Cases - 343 (7 new cases)
Total Fatalities - 39
Total Estimated Active Cases - 94
Total Estimated Recovered - 833

COVID-19 Dashboard Update: 15 New Cases, 1 Recovery, 1 New Death

Update: No change was report Sunday, December 13, 2020.

December 13, 2020 - The Texas COVID-19 Dashboard as of December 12, 2020 reports 15 new cases of COVID-19 overnight and 1 new death. The active count is 85 which calculates to 1 recovery to the 15 new cases.

December 12th Numbers:
Total Confirmed Cases - 621 (no change)
Total Probable Cases - 336 (15 new cases)
Total Fatalities - 39 (1 new)
Total Estimated Active Cases - 85
Total Estimated Recovered - 833

COVID-19 Dashboard Update: 71 Active Cases; 1 New Death

December 11, 2020 - The Texas DSHS COVID-19 Dashboard has released the new numbers for Shelby County. As of 5pm December 11th, the new numbers show 71 active estimated cases. The total number of Confirmed Cases is 621 and the total number of Probable Cases is 321. Confirmed Cases were previously refered to as Cumulative Cases and are the total number of cases since March 27th when the first case was reported.

The dashboard also reports an additional death over night for a total of 38 deaths from COVID-19 for Shelby County.

Texas DSHS COVID-19 Update: 17 Active Cases, 51 Probable Active Cases

December 10, 2020 - As of Thursday, December 10, 2020 the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) reports Shelby County now has a cumulative case count of 620 with only 17 active cases currently. The largest single day increase was on December 8th with a daily count of 6 new cases. The total increase since the November 22nd report is 23 new cases.


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