Composed by Scott Flowers

Commissioners Learn Current Status of ARPA, LATCF Funds

January 12, 2024 - Shelby County Commissioners were updated during their meeting January 10, 2024, on the ARPA and LATCF funds which currently are providing funding for several county projects.

During discussion over the weekly expenses Ann Blackwell, County Treasurer, described difficulty with mail delivery relating to the receipt of bills.

“Our mail’s just going everywhere,” said Blackwell. “Juvenile Probation brought over a handful of mail this morning that clearly stated Road 7 Bridge Precinct 4 that was in their box, and one of them was a utility bill.”

Sheriff's Department Makes Theft of Service Arrests in Joaquin

January 10, 2024 - The Shelby County Sheriff’s Department has confirmed the arrest of four individuals for theft of service in Joaquin on January 4, 2024.
This article is copied from Shelby County Today without permission.
According to Lt. Chad Hooper, the Sheriff’s Department received a complaint from the City of Joaquin that their water meters and gas meters had been tampered with at a residence in Joaquin.

Commissioners Discuss Payroll, Approve Sale, Purchase of New Truck

January 4, 2024 - The Shelby County Commissioners discussed a larger than normal payroll, as well as the sale of an old truck, and purchase of a new one for Precinct 4 during their meeting held Wednesday, January 3, 2024.

The commissioners considered the payment of the current payroll and Roscoe McSwain, Commissioner Precinct 1, commented there is a lot of overtime going through the Sheriff’s Department as well as Holiday pay.

Commissioners Move Forward with Purchase of Tasers for County Law Enforcement

January 3, 2024 - The Shelby County Commissioners moved forward with the purchase of tasers for the Sheriff's Department and County Constables during their meeting held December 29, 2023, and they heard updates on ARPA projects which they have previously discussed.
This article is copied from Shelby County Today without permission.


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