By Neal Murphy

"The Ink Blotter" by Neal Murphy

January 22, 2024 - Thinking back on my “schooling” in San Augustine, Texas, I recall that I was not allowed to use anything except a #2 lead pencil in my studies. At least, not until I entered the fifth grade under Mrs. Margaret Wade. Of course, I was allowed also to use crayons to produce several colorful drawings during these early years. In Mrs. Margaret’s class, things changed.

"Stubborn as a Mule" By Neal Murphy

October 18, 2023 - Have you ever heard someone say about a person, “He’s as stubborn as a mule?” Or perhaps even you have been called “mule headed” by others. I think we all know what the meaning of the word is, but are mules really stubborn? If someone is stubborn, it means that they are contrary, unwilling to change, or unwilling to do things that are expected of them. Some people say that the stubborn person “walks to the beat of his own drum.”

"Random Thoughts" By Neal Murphy

September 22, 2023 - I sometimes wonder about the thought, or lack of it, that goes into the making of signs these days.  I have seen road signs and even warnings on medicines that don’t seem to make sense or just state the obvious. I think the fear of frivolous law suits has contributed greatly to all of this unnecessary information.

I have pondered the following signs over the past few years and settled on my own conclusions. Do you agree?

“What’s Happened to the Whippoorwill?” by Neal Murphy

September 1, 2023 - Anyone who has camped out in East Texas has probably had this experience: You’ve spent the evening sitting around the campfire after a satisfying dinner. A nice gentle breeze cools the evening air as you settle down for a night of blissful sleep. Then, it starts - “Whip-poor-will, Whip-poor-will”, the sound of a bashful bird serenading you.


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