Submitted by Debbie Gilchrist

Shelbyville Students Compete in Welding Contest

February 17, 2016 - Feb. 11, 2016. Shelbyville High School students traveled to Panola College to compete in a welding contest hosted by Panola College. Competitors were: James Jones, Cole Cooper, Jacob Jackson and Wesley Berry. Out of the 40 competitors, they placed as follows: James Jones placed 12; Cole Cooper placed 17; Jacob Jackson placed 19 and Wesley Berry placed 24.  Congratulations!

Shelbyville Band Members Walk Away with Gold at Solo and Ensemble

February 17, 2016 - Members of the Shelbyville Dragon Military Marching Band recently competed at Region 21 UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest.  Numerous students walked away from the contest with gold ensemble medals earned from receiving a 1st Division rating from their judges.  The students that earned medals are as follow: Mixed Woodwind Trio

Rebecca Jones – Flute
Lindsey Holbrook – Flute
Lexi Berry – Clarinet

Huxley Helping Hands to Host February Food Pantry

February 10, 2016 - Huxley Helping Hands, a local mission group from the Huxley Community, are holding a food pantry for the residents of Shelby County on February 13, 2016. Sign-in starts at 9:00 am and will last until food is gone. We will be located at Hillcrest Baptist Church (901 Southview Circle Center, Texas). New recipents must show identification, proof of residencey & income.


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