Submitted by Sydney Brookshire

Center High School One-Act Play Company Advances to Bi-District Competition

March 18, 2019 - The Center High School One-Act Play Company competed at the District Play Contest last Friday at Carthage High School with its play A Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare. They are pleased to announce that they advanced to bi-district competition to be held next week.

In addition, the company is proud of its individual winners from Friday night.

Outstanding Crew to the District Contest: Kristen Orsak
Honorable Mention All Star Cast: Kelsey Adair and Jack Callen Watlington
All Star Cast: Mark Perkins and Keaton Watlington

CMS Candy Fundraiser Extended

March 4, 2019 - Due to recent school closing, the CMS candy fundraiser has been extended through this week. Money will be due March 7 in order for prizes/cash drawings to be prepared. Your prize levels will be determined by money turned in by this date.

Remember, in order to draw for cash, you must have sold and turned in money for 4 boxes by March 7th.


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