Submitted by Sydney Brookshire

CMS Candy Fundraiser Extended

March 4, 2019 - Due to recent school closing, the CMS candy fundraiser has been extended through this week. Money will be due March 7 in order for prizes/cash drawings to be prepared. Your prize levels will be determined by money turned in by this date.

Remember, in order to draw for cash, you must have sold and turned in money for 4 boxes by March 7th.

CMS to Honor Student: Memorial, Balloon Release Feb 26 (Updated)

February 26, 2019 - (Update): We are monitoring the weather for the memorial this evening. We plan to have the memorial at the cafeteria parking lot, but if the weather does not cooperate at 6pm, we will have to move to the gym.   

Center Middle School will have a memorial and balloon release for Lexi Jones following Parent Night conferences on Tuesday, February 26. The memorial will be in the cafeteria parking lot at the middle school.

Parent Night ends at 6 p.m. Friends and family are invited to attend.

Center MS Students Selling World's Finest Chocolate for $1

February 22, 2019 - Center Middle School Students are selling World's Finest chocolate bars for $1 each. Sales will end Wednesday, February 27, with all funds collected and turned in before Spring Break.  

Please consider helping our students fund end of year activities, such as Field Day.  

TOP SELLER WINS $100! Students selling 4 cases or more get 1 draw from cash money draw. Sell 6 cases or more, get 2 draws, and 10 cases will get 3 draws!

Contact front office at CMS for more information.

Center ISD Closes for Extra Days for Deep Cleaning

Letter from Center ISD Superintendent James Hockenberry

February 12, 2019 - Center ISD extends scheduled Friday holiday to allow for a deep cleaning due to noticed escalation of illnesses with students and faculty. School is out Friday, February 15th through Tuesday, February 19th. Students will return on Wednesday, February 20th.

Extracurricular activities will continue as scheduled and a makeup day is not necessary.

Dear Parents/Guardians,


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