Texas Parks and Wildlife

TPWD Weekly Fishing Reports for June 26

June 27, 2024 - Texas Parks and Wildlife fishing reports are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides. Only the local lakes are listed below. If you would like to see the fishing report for other Texas lakes, click the following link https://tpwd.texas.gov/fishboat/fish/action/reptmap.php?EcoRegion=PW.

Centennial Time Capsule Begins 50-Year Trek to Every Texas State Park

April 19, 2024 - How do you encompass 100 years of Texas State Parks’ history? That was the challenge state parks staff has spent the past year tackling.

The result? A wooden time capsule created by the Texas State Parks Exhibit Shop from pecan trees harvested at Mother Neff State Park, widely accepted as the first Texas State Park opened to the public.

Don’t Let the Eclipse Overshadow Boating Safety

April 4, 2024 – With the widely anticipated total eclipse fast approaching, we know many may be planning to view this phenomenon from a boat or the shores of area waterways. With their often-unobstructed view of the horizon, scenic beauty and lower levels of light pollution, any of the more than 50 bodies of water in the path of totality across the state will make for a truly unique vantage point.

TPWD Urges Caution Around Rookery Islands to Protect Waterbird Nesting Grounds

March 28, 2024 — As spring weather transitions to summer and outdoor enthusiasts begin to flock to the coast, boaters will begin to see islands covered with large congregations of nesting birds. These islands, known as rookery islands, provide breeding homes (and nurseries) for thousands of iconic coastal birds such as brown pelicans, roseate spoonbills, black skimmers, reddish egrets and other species in Texas bays.

Hunting Accidents at a New Record Low in Texas

March 14, 2024 — Texas recorded a new all-time low number of hunting-related accidents across the state, according to the 2023 Texas Hunting Accident Report.

A new record low of 10 non-fatal hunting-related accidents and one fatality were reported in 2023. Texas’ highest record to date occurred in 1972 when the state saw 30 fatal hunting-related accidents. The staggering numbers recorded every year showed the need for more firearm safety, which led to the creation of the Hunter Education program.

Annual White Bass Run Arrives in Texas

February 27, 2024 - The annual white bass run, a treasured tradition for anglers across Texas, has officially begun.

Each spring, white bass run upstream from reservoirs into rivers and creeks to spawn, creating prime fishing opportunities for new and seasoned anglers. White bass can be targeted from the bank, motorized boat or paddle craft in multiple publicly accessible locations throughout the state.


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